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31 de Mayo, 2013 · Hot Stories

My Birthday

Hello again, this time I will relate what happened a few days ago on the birthday of my wife Laura.

Laura cumplia 42 years in mid-April, so we booked a hotel in a city of the east, and the Internet remains a black guy to be his gift.

the guy was from Ivory Coast, black, 1.80 41, not bad looking, strong and very well endowed.

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publicado por henaescorts a las 18:03 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
03 de Mayo, 2013 · ESCORTS

In The Street

Left with my Mistress to pass a bridge on your farm field. To me it is not easy to get a few days to take a little trip, for my work. This I knew my Lady, so when it tells you that the next break was at his disposal, his eyes sparkled and a smile crossed his face. He told me how to get and the order that when he got serious greeted by a maid who obeyed, who was a servant and not a slave as I was. I finished my first day of travel on a cot, naked with a mask and a chastity belt that kept one in. ... Continuar leyendo
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publicado por henaescorts a las 11:59 · 1 Comentario  ·  Recomendar
23 de Abril, 2013 · ESCORTS

His First Time in the Kitchen

It was a Tuesday, a month ago one of her friends had introduced me, I preferred his name to give him a nickname called Andria, that day was simply a dialogue smiling, laughter anecdotal, and a little self-knowledge Personal mutually studies things, homework, teachers, siblings, uncles and aunts, etc., about three hours was a pleasant conversation, but so far the chemistry was languid, but her sympathy appreciable and desirable after day, I sometimes found her way cruzándonos, exchanged greetings,... Continuar leyendo
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publicado por henaescorts a las 11:24 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
21 de Enero, 2013 · ESCORTS


Leaving work was not straight home. I went to buy some clothes that were appropriate for the occasion. I bought a denim skirt and short set, a yellow blouse with buttons that highlighted my tits and high heels that made me dizzy legs.

When I got home I started to relax and until eight or so I got up to get ready. An hour later, before leaving, I looked in the hall mirror. My appearance was really... Continuar leyendo
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publicado por henaescorts a las 15:46 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
18 de Diciembre, 2012 · ESCORTS


continued enjoying sex, but this time I know incest joaquin thank my uncle.
Once I bathe and ate something I told him everything happened the guy Joaquin. He gave me a cream to happen to me in line and offered me their daughters clothes so not cold as it was practically naked and her house was very poor, chifletes went everywhere.

My uncle gave me only two conditions: to help you with the order of the house and... Continuar leyendo
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publicado por henaescorts a las 15:42 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
04 de Octubre, 2012 · ESCORTS


After my first lesbian experience in the beauty center, left me wanting to try again with a different woman, fearing while being rejected by a straight woman, but I thought it was worth a try.

As I said earlier, I will every day to the gym, I love to keep fit, and I can only go from 7:00 to 8:00, and no one can imagine. But one of those days there was a girl I had not seen before, was in the engine room.

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publicado por henaescorts a las 11:55 · 2 Comentarios  ·  Recomendar
20 de Septiembre, 2012 · ESCORTS


Hello friends my name is Emmanuel and I write from Italy to tell you some things about my life, I am one of those girls escorts dublin that nature gave him a very prettyface and not have to struggle with painting, also I have a bum more I would say an ass thatmany girls envy, in short, my lovers say that I am a goddess and valgus I ask. Which is why my money goes almost unnoticed, and I learned that to be desired by men only possess a good enough body and be as fucking possible,... Continuar leyendo
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publicado por henaescorts a las 12:14 · 2 Comentarios  ·  Recomendar
31 de Julio, 2012 · ESCORTS


I am a girl that I want to share my story with my best friend and I love pretty big and cute butt h
igh my tits are small but very nice and well put I'm not quite thin but I'm not bad, my love is a girl squat ESCORT a very good body brunette big tits very nice, rich dark nipples and a small but perfect back to bite. This is our story;
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publicado por henaescorts a las 11:21 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
06 de Julio, 2012 · ESCORTS


The story follows the story happened as a result of my own  birthday festejarme for giving me this opportunity the company of a ESCORTS.

Well to celebrate my birthday I decided to give me a date and searched online for this agency and chose one of the girls at the highest level, as the chance they deserved. Previously had hired prostitutes ESCORTS CARLOW of the agency and they had several fantasies come true: how to do it... Continuar leyendo
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publicado por henaescorts a las 12:01 · 1 Comentario  ·  Recomendar
07 de Junio, 2012 · ESCORTS

sex at the party with a group of boys

The first time I had sex with another person outside the marriage was in a nightclub, always had in my mind as fantasy and wanted to repeat some day reach, until one day my husband went out to a club to dance, of course that I prepare to leave and dressed it for more fucking meath escorts possible, wearing a Lycra but that part of my sex were all found above the Lycra had a very short jean miniskirt, ahh certainly was not wearing any thread, all... Continuar leyendo
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publicado por henaescorts a las 16:06 · 1 Comentario  ·  Recomendar
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