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24 de Octubre, 2012 · ESCORTS

Deflowered In a winter morning

This morning was not any. I took the condom and put it in my work bag, because as I said, that morning was not like the others. I did not go to work because he had a date, a date for breakfast.

When I got home, I rang the bell and I opened Merche in robe. I had never seen in his pajamas, had always been on the street to chat, dance, movies, but always on the street. It was our first game at home.

He invited me to go and sit in your living room while she went to prepare coffee. I sat in his chair, and amused myself watching TV, nothing interesting at that hour of the morning. When he offered me coffee and told me if I wanted anything to eat. You could tell in the environment that was our first time together, we both knew that we were there, but no one dared to start. I drank the coffee and meanwhile she finished ironing some clothes I had on the table. When he finished he sat beside me and we kissed without words. It was instinctive, my hands began to undress her while our lips and our tongues played. I was anxious to see those breasts with which I had masturbated many nights. I took off the housecoat and quickly undid the bra she wore. I loved her breasts, now had in my hands, touching them. I lowered my tongue to lick them and started to suck those nipples that I had gone crazy these days of beach and bikini. Now had in my mouth. She was excited, she started to lick my neck and ear, and I was becoming more a thousand. I took off my shirt and lay down on the couch, jumped on top of me. She wore only white panties and pants me with my fully erect penis poking the tip of his pants. He began to rub his crotch with mine while I was licking her neck. He loved to feel the lump between his legs, rubbing was making a thousand and me too. I went down one of my hands down her back to her ass and put it inside the panties, feeling her ass wide open and a little further down and soaked her pussy burning. It was the first time I touched her pussy and I will never forget the feel of that pussy soaked.

With his panty set I started masturbating to what she said taking off my pants and my cock releasing all pressure. I kept fingering and she did the same with me. We were a mile, when suddenly I noticed as I came perfectly orgasm. He began to move faster and faster, her pussy was on fire and began to spread. He groaned as he had never been able to imagine, that picture made me a thousand, so she thereupon and without stopping to masturbate, I came.

It had been great, but very funny face told me he was not going to stay that way the matter. He got up from the couch, pulled down her panties wet and grabbed my cock, still erect and something told me to get up. The image of two naked, on the aisle, she grabbing my cock and I behind I will be remembered forever. It was like I was living my own porn movie. He took me to the bathroom, I cleaned up a little with a towel and grabbed me to go back to bed.

I put on one side of the bed and told me not to move, only observe. He sat on the other side of the bed, and began very slowly to caress the entire body. There we were, in his bed, a dream come true. I completely naked, after I run and she totally naked, and masturbating for me. I was getting hotter it as he stroked her legs open and slipped a finger while looking at me with that face of desire. My cock began to grow again, to which she went to see her erect towards me, opened a condom, put me and sat on my cock. Noticing my erect cock inside her pussy was burning sensation nor forget. Although what followed was even better. He began to ride me so I thought I would be at the time. But then slowed the pace again and began gently to gradually increase increasingly growing. My hands held his tits and totally committed to her up and down my cock was going to increase the tone of the wailing. We were a thousand, after a little, hold up your ass and let rise a bit quiet, just to start at the bottom to arremeterla at a pace that could not endure. I screamed like never imagine in my erotic dreams, I could feel a surge of flows flooded my cock and I knew that was the moment I had dreamed, I could not hold much more I ran, but in a way that had never tasted, I I ran inside the pussy of an aunt. For me it was special and always remember, because that winter morning I stopped being a virgin.
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