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20 de Marzo, 2014 · ESCORTS

I love the days of sex

I like being a girl I take vitality and energy with a more than great age to enjoy a more active sex life , but unfortunately my antics lately measured dropper , so I have to settle masturbate occasionally to kill or sleep, my sexual appetite. I usually delight in a story which is here written , but there are other times in my mind an idea that makes me shiver with pleasure whenever I turn to it, in fact , right now I am writing following the rules of this little wake sexual escorts barcelona game in which only one involved . "And what is it? " You may ask , well, is something quite easy and also difficult to carry out, just have to set a number of hours, in particular started playing at about four in the afternoon and decided to take eleven hours of play, my game will end soon . " Bah , but that's too much, do not have much free time " , maybe that will be your next thought was , do not worry , it's a game of patience that can be interspersed with your daily chores. Okay, okay , I admit, I like to go out on a limb , and go to the point.

Let's take my case for example, with eleven hours of gameplay, from six in the evening until four in the morning , the only rule is to masturbate without being able to cum , you should know enough to take the edge , near the cruelty when you should stop and breathe to relax rather than surrender to the pleasure of orgasm . And once you relax and regain control over your body you must re- try, re- energize your body slowly , feeling like back to get carried away by the pleasure seeking that orgasm forbidden desire with all your strength , but it again at the last moment you must reject , stopping short. Many times I have to resort to force, squeezing my cock with my hand to prevent run out of my eggs and break the rules. There is an endless straw , is hold you desire and despair , fighting against yourself. If you noticed you were too close to cum , you can return to your routine and maybe in a while or a couple of hours again begin this exciting and fiery torture , praying that elapsed times as fast as possible . At work, maybe every two or three hours five minutes you feel like going to the bathroom to give you some pleasure and fan the flames of unattainable orgasm. The shower, once arrived home is another great moment that get into our antics though I must warn you of the most dangerous because after hours of driving our skin is very sensitive and touching the gel will give us that we forget of anything to explode right there without any remedy or control. Then we can take the dinner to relax a bit and forget about our fantasies ... if we can .

Reached the end of our twisted game , I recommend the stillness of the night and the comfort of a bed, while others may prefer the risk of any more shameless site . The results of the pending 'll notice in every inch of your skin when after such a long and painful wait will be led by a frenzied orgasm , immersed in the most savage and bestial desire, noting how the legs are contracted in a spasm , noting how rivers of pleasure escaping from your body for a few glorious seconds that will leave you breathless, trying prostrate sanity and encouragement .

I am looking forward to finish writing this to you, to surrender myself . After many hours and my cock is stiff , static between my legs. I hurt my balls are tight after hours you should have already downloaded my too many times to still be in my body run . I hayo naked writing these last lines , relamiéndome when my cock explode and fill me with cum all over my body , reaching to wet my face and chest with rivers of abundant milk that I will not hesitate then clean with my fingers and my tongue. It's not selfish, if you were there in front of you would not hesitate to give you all my milk so that the liked so , but it would be a waste otherwise right? And I have to admit, I 'm a complete sex addict.
Palabras claves , , , , , ,
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