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07 de Mayo, 2014 · ESCORTS

It was somewhat surprising ! and hrny

 Were few opportunities they had to share a single father and daughter, and these days that lay ahead let them do anything that could not do when mom or sister working nearby , but Karla could not imagine what it might hold that books.

His mother dismissed at the bus stop and when the machine is started , Sofia and Salvador exchanged a knowing look and complicity that she did not catch . And even if it was set in the complicity that hid those looks , she was not able to give another meaning other than the love of a parent which separated by a few days.

When the bus was lost in the distance, its lowest Sofia turned home, where he took refuge in his bedroom, with a glass of liquor in his hand and the memory of her husband and daughter daughter in mind . Staring at the ceiling , he thought of the importance of the step they had taken . For her it was a morally reprehensible action but you would save what was left of his marriage and for him to allow the possibility of a sexual fantasy in galway that Sofia was complicit . Yes , because the two had devised an imaginary trip to father and daughter could be alone with the consequences they both knew well that would for the girl. And there was no remorse in her about the fate of his daughter, who was leaving in the arms of his father, whose intention was to make her his.

It had all started during a night of sex as a misunderstanding , which gave him the opportunity to reveal his desire Salvador for his daughter. And she liked the idea , because since his young life was associated with incest , so we always felt attracted to that aspect of sexual life.

In fact, her sexual initiation as escorts galway was precisely with his father.

The memory of his father and the incestuous sex initiation made ​​him go back to that day when it all started . He closed his eyes and revived again that afternoon when , returning from the funeral of his mother, surprised his father and sister having sex in the same bed as her mother occupied before . After three months she willingly succumbed to parental wishes and with her sister formed an incestuous trio who surrendered with all his energy .

Looked all retrospectively made ​​him understand that the incestuous family chain had started long before she was integrated . And now , with the departure of Salvador and Karla history took a new direction and I was sure that many new chapters to be added to those already written by her , her sister, her father and mother would be written.

His deranged mind conceived the idea of ​​putting in writing the family history, he thought he should be enriched with photos that they realized that writing was based on real events. His intention was to record everything that had happened between them and from there to get new ideas for future sexual encounters between her , her husband and daughter. If , for he was sure around this trip, Karla would like his father's mistress .

With that idea in mind , he sat on the bed, with a note book in her lap, and began to write :

My name is Sofia . Right now my husband travels with my daughter Karla , which violate . And I agreed and helped make this happen.

Would you explain my attitude ? I like this trip incestuous sex and invent the two to make fantasy reality Salvador .

You may wonder how a mother can reach this end . I'll just say in my defense that my whole life has been one long string and me incestuous relationship between father and daughter or brothers presents nothing unusual that good sex. My sex life started with my father and my sister continued . And now my daughter will write another chapter to his father.

To be precise, my incestuous life really began with the death of my grandmother when my mother was only eighteen and Cecilia , her sister, nineteen. Only by knowing the story of my mother I could explain my story.

Recalling the facts , I think they are as a kind of flashes of scenes sucedidas long before , so I find it more convenient to describe the different scenes that led us to what we are now living .

The first scene I guess is my grandmother 's funeral .

the Funeral

The afternoon when they buried my grandmother was sad, overcast and threatening skies . The procession headed for the exit of the cemetery and began the ritual of farewell . Alba , my mother , my aunt Cecilia and my father , all dressed in deep mourning , receiving the condolences of the attendees and finally left alone , under the weight of a light rain drops threatening . Silently, they headed home without saying a word . Cecilia only when they were coming, he whispered to my father that Alba failed to capture .

Wearily , without wishing to talk to anyone , my mother wanted to be alone and ruminating his sentence , so he said goodbye to his father and sister and went to her room .

I 'm going to bed .

His sister and his father told him not to worry and to sleep until late recover sleep for the sleepless nights of the last days of his mother's agony . When he went to his room, looked at them with a knowing look and smiled .

Longer alone in his room , his back in bed, girl escorts madrid life of the three now that her mother would not be imagined , the head of the household. And that thought made ​​her uneasy , not getting sleep. His father had never shown more concern for the family as such and thought that the sisters would be left to their fate before the impassive him by the household problems. Cecilia would have to take the reins, as it was a year older than her . But they were only nineteen and a heavy burden for a girl who just peeked to life. The future looked very bad omens for the sisters .

Concern about the grim picture that the seized loomed and eventually lose sleep . After a long while of turning the situation , without finding out , I had to surrender to the evidence that he could not sleep. After an hour of trying unsuccessfully to close my eyes , felt some noises coming from the part of their parents. Corrected : the part of his father from now .

I missed it so much noise when his father was supposed to be sleeping too . He got up and walked to the bedroom from where the noise and noticed that these were a mixture of moans, whispered words and noises of the bed.

Cautiously opened the door and looked .

the revelation

Another scene that is presented to me in the memory is the part of my mother, my father and sister in bed wallowing in which so recently had been my mother .

The bodies moved half dressed with despair, desperate kisses compass and groans with pleasure. My sister 's legs into the air showed patches of whiteness of her thighs at the part where finished in black stockings fever girl had only dropped to almost his knees. The medium had raised and supported on the back of his father, who moved with incredible energy on your body, that seemed lost on the huge body like a snorting bull facing each thrust and Cecilia endured an impressive energy.


Take, take , asíiiiiii

rich , siiiiiii


Alba watched in disbelief in his eyes ; the two bodies, which still retained part of their mourning clothes , writhing on the bed of his mother, seemed fused by passion that dominated them both .

All concerns and doubts that fed his infant mind lately, especially since the illness of his mother, when he saw his father sometimes sneak Part of Cecilia , those knowing glances between the two that surprised more than one again, the way she pressed him when he was saying goodbye or hello , how to sit with semi open legs in front of him , which allowed him to see this inside them , in short, all those attitudes strange father-daughter now had a sense for Alba. His father and sister were lovers for some time. And now, with the death of his mother, Cecilia finally took possession of the matrimonial bed, the same day that had been buried . It was as if I had trouble to become the official mistress of his father.

Cecilia , with experience in the months that had given his father, moved his body with lust , feeding the curiosity of the incestuous with inciting phrases that wrapped in a spiral from which it could not escape. And that he did not want to leave.

Dale, dale , I papitooooo


Give your hard girl papitoooo

Siiiiiiiii , mijitaaaaa

Papitoooo Fuck me , fuck me


Alba was overwhelmed at the sight of his father and sister fucking without any guilt or remorse. Cecilia 's legs moved on his father's back , knocking over and over again , as propelling to lift your pelvis and thus allow parental cock completely sink to the bottom of his incestuous vulva. There was astonished to see his sister's frail body moving with its own vitality of a sexual avatars accustomed to these women. If he was only nineteen and already acting like a whore in bed. And he seemed to enjoy it as escorts sevilla, that was for sure.

How long they were lovers ? Summing the signals that previously only had been already raised questions which you see the point now , must have been made ​​from at least one year. That is, his father began to fuck galway Cecilia when this was about the age she had now.

That thought disturbed .

The image of sweaty bodies struggling climax was too attractive and stayed stuck watching them. He felt his body react and heat began to dominate and the desire to keep looking left stuck to the floor , unable to move .

I knew I should see what they were doing his father and sister and I had to run away, but curiosity and something indefinable dunk kept the door of the room where his sister and his father an incestuous lustily delivered to combat that every moment increased its intensity.

It overcoming the desire to continue spying , quietly walked away and took refuge in his room .

How could that Cecilia did her father just as he did before with his mother ? It was assumed that such acts were not natural , that could not be . But there they were both happy to blend into unnatural relationship.

Palabras claves , , , , , ,
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