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Blog de henaescorts
23 de Mayo, 2014 · ESCORTS

Sex in the bathroom ...

Angel and I were just us. It might sound a bit "posh" but we were getting that is around us, things happen that were not very conventional .

I was 21, and was studying law , he also drew me just two years apart.

At first we became friends and from the moment we knew he was made ​​for me. He had dated other guys , but it had not worked , I'm not one of those girls who not being alone or having sex, I had a relationship that offered nothing that made me to lose that which characterized me . I'm sorry, so sorry this introduction romance novel , but if I said this , nothing to understand.

Friendship had to fool around , we liked each other and at one day, one of those college parties, where the euphoria and chaos I was thrilled as never before .

Q I approached him, I was with some friends ...

- Hey, you can meet me a second ... ( I said to hate)

'Yes,' he said smiling at me.

I took his hand and brought it to me.

- Where we go - he asked.

- Schssss ... - I pointed a finger on my lips. bitch mayo

We were walking , hand in hand , I put all my senses when no one saw us . He was looking from side to side. The corridors of power were empty and silent. And I took him to the bathroom , to the men , because I knew, he had studied the situation, the kids are not going to the bathroom a lot . Bathrooms faculty are most , spacious , 4 only but spacious . And above all , of course , intended for the disabled . Here we come .

I closed the door and looked at me.

We looked , and smiled while biting my lower lip , and then got it ...

I embraced him and began to kiss

- Not anymore ... I said such a sensual way that even I can believe it was myself.

He at abrazrnos , squeezed so hard , I felt his cock, felt his scent ...

We kissed like crazy , he started lifting me missing, and discovered my thong , I pressed the ass , fuck me as escorts mayo..

I was a virgin , I do not know , I felt like all amplified because I was joining love and sex , do not know , it was different. I had rolled up with other guys , but to put my hand on a tit or Sobara me ... not excited me , or so I thought at the time.

We kissed , he seemed cut , I knew where I wanted to go , I think , or maybe (most secure ) is that I was so eager to put my plan into operation ... I started to unbutton his shirt. He took it off and licked her chest .

I started to undress , I took off my shirt and as he grabbed the fly and took me to bite the black lace bra ... then the skirt. I went with him, he undid his pants biting . And feel the pull down the panties .

God , that was horny for cock ... 1000 / h , and at the same time I wondered if his cock was going to enter her pussy. I masturbate every day , so plundering .... but did not know if we would have problems .... but I forgot.

I bent down and ate the whole piece . Ummm was cachondísima . He grabbed my hair and pressed me against himself, biting him , sucked , while I also started masturbating ....

I got up and kissed me ... he literally ripped the thong with one hand, and as we kissed I put his fingers in the pussy .... oh , just remember I'm getting in tune ...

Suddenly I whispered in his ear ,

- now it's my turn ... - and he bent down and began to eat all the pussy . Lamia , stuck his tongue as far as I could , then his fingers. It was an indescribable feeling . Then I came and started biting my nipples ... erotic fantasy fulfilled. I grabbed him and told him his cock

- fuck me and I can not wait.

I picked it up and pushed me to where the toilet was , I lowered the lid. Behind it is a kind of pollete , and sat me .

- Now open my precious -

- your word is my command ...

and opened my legs so I thought I was going to break . The grabbed my thighs , and his huge cock was steep to the limit, he penetrated me . I could not help , and groaned .. the forte began to fuck me hard . And we began to weaken in maintaining silence and moan more and more.

I scratched it with my nails into the shoveling , and when stopped by fatigue . , Hatred whispered " More , more ... fuck me , fuck me and do not stop , do not stop ! " He was going to more and more . I had my first real orgasm . And for a moment I vision blurred .

At the end ran into me, and it was simply delicious .

Not stopped , he bent down and started sucking me pussy . And then I gave him as much pleasure as super . They ate it.

Then I said

- Tried another position?

I smiled and nodded , I was not breath after all.

Then he sat on the toilet and I understood , I had to bring my rhythm. I sat and I really fit cock in my pussy in mayo , and began to move faster , she moaned and said things I did spend depues shame.

But then we hear someone coming. I stopped jumping on his dick . I was introduced to my pussy. He started biting me tits. And finally who went out and came back to continue failing.

When we left there, seemed to be on horseback. It was just fabulous.
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publicado por henaescorts a las 18:16 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
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