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Blog de henaescorts
25 de Junio, 2014 · ESCORTS


Yes, I must confess that at first I did not suspect it, but should have. When I saw her in Barajas, dressed in tight black pants and jersey, short sleeves and red, and owner of a mouth dreamy and beautiful eyes, seeking me anxious among recently arrived passengers, the presumption began to nest in my mind. Our hugs and our kisses were passionate, as a kind of prelude and coda to both a long and agonizing wait. The nervousness made the first words were futile. Hand in hand, walked to a taxi ...

During the ride to the space provided, took my hand and led her to her face. A cluster of emotions welled inside me, which made further enhance my guesses. The hotel room I had booked was cozy and spacious. We settled soon and we engage in a discussion of recognition, obviously in love, and with a tenderness and passion that seemed part of us. Soon, our bodies were searched and found ... They alone are understood and this gentleman is not talking.

But we went that day of love, passion and sex in a heartbeat, and she had to go. An hour later the phone rang. I was surprised. He had not been with anyone else in the capital of the Kingdom and no one around me knew of my trip. I attended the call, almost fearful. It was she, from your mobile. We talked for a while, until finally said goodbye with a hopeful 'tomorrow'. During the next two days, the scene was repeated, modeled; laughed a lot, talked a lot and covered a lot of our bodies in directions that passion was checking us ...

The day after last night I returned to my city. Already in her absence was atrocious; missed her, wanted her, loved her ... In every moment I was in my thought. I asked, via WhatsAppw some photos of him in order to enjoy its image alone. It became my obsession. Treasured their words, their messages, their things, their laughter ... I had the strange idea that doing a complete picture of your personality, your physical, your thoughts could later or earlier, corroborate my findings. I knew I was, but I fell even more of it. Mobile satellite talked, crossed post, we told our cotidianidades to get used to the idea that we were together, without being, and to keep abreast of our lives, even the distance of a few hundred miles that separated us. In my solitude mentally going over all, more than a thousand times, and although no judge could have sentenced my tests, I was certain that my feelings were acquiring body ...

On my second trip I made a point of observing carefully, measuring each of their small acts, each of his words ... I tried to gather evidence, to be gathering evidence, circumstantial though they were ...

My perennial restlessness led me to finally migrate to radicarme instead to start a new life. I am a middle aged man and my nearly five decades of load on my shoulders an acceptable baggage, and, to her, a Damocles enigmatic ...

We started a project together, with renewed hopes. Now the day was near and so close to know in depth. Small events were confirming my guesses at her interact with friends, with family, with strangers ... I liked to watch, without her noticing, her features, her silences, gestures ... But mostly I loved his laugh. Invent new jokes for the sole purpose of seeing and hearing her laugh ...

And so time passed. We were doing life with sweet moments, bitter moments, soft steps, hard stages, themselves and others but shared pain. However, although our love grew ripe, intense and immense, never stopped suspecting her ...

An evening either, the start of a summer either, of any year, just the sun began to set, everything became clear to my eyes. Air was loaded to a warmth turn summer gave away the first puff. The garden of our house looked peaceful. The silence was broken by crickets, which seemed to herald the decline. My hands caressed the first page of a book of poetry, of that illustrious speaking in verse and lived in poetry, Machado, but my eyes were on her. The dim light and sun reached down her back and a reddish halo around her whole. And my old theory, reinforced by suspicions of recent years, was confirmed ...

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